Community Education

Please browse for information regarding extracurricular activities, before and after school care for elementary students, preschool, and facility use and rentals.  If you have any questions, please call our office at 269-321-1022 and we will be happy to assist you!

Applications for the 2025-2026 school year are now available!

Get your child on board for an exciting preschool experience! Vicksburg Community Schools is offering a unique program specifically designed for children who will be four years old before September 1st, 2025 to qualify for the 2025-2026. Vicksburg Schools GSRP Preschool focuses on school readiness skills in a fun, play-based format.

Vicksburg Schools GSRP Preschool is entirely FREE to families who meet the qualifications. This includes transportation, meals, snacks, parent education programs, and field trips.

The Vicksburg Schools GSRP Preschool utilizes a joint application with all other Kalamazoo County preschool programs to help cut down on duplication and enable us to appropriately place children. You can pick up applications at each of our elementary buildings or the Vicksburg Administration Building. Please email your application to or bring it to the Vicksburg Schools Admin Building (VAB).

You can also find our Health Appraisal Form here. It must be filled out by your child's doctor before they can enroll in preschool.

The Spanish language preschool application can be downloaded here.

Please note: we will begin accepting students and notifying families AFTER JUNE 30th of their application status. 

Questions? Call us at (269) 321-1022.

Kids Klub

Registration for Kids Klub is required for every new school year and again for those participating for in the summer program. Registrations do not roll over from year to year.

NOTE: Kids Klub is now on a waitlist for all 3 school sites. Please call Community Ed to be added to the waitlist.
Kids Klub registration for the 2025-2026 school opens in April. 

Kids Klub before and after school care is available for K-5th grade students at each elementary building.  Yearly registration is required in order to attend.  Kids Klub operates on school days from 6:30 to 9am and 3:30 to 6pm.  For more information, call 321-1022 or email

Summer Kids Klub 2025

Summer Kids Klub registration will open up Tuesday, March 4th at 1:00 on a first come, first serve basis.  

Register here for the summer Kids Klub.

Please know this year's process will be different.  Registrations and payments will all be done online. In order for your application to be processed, your current Kids Klub account needs to be at a 0.00 balance.  

New this year, due to capacity and licensing guidelines, summer Kids Klub is for students that are going into Kindergarten through into 5th grade. Outgoing 5th graders are not age eligible. Additionally, behaviors/referrals could result in your application to not be accepted

Summer Kids Klub 2025 Flyer 

Pay for summer 2024 Kids Klub-- **Pre-registered only**

Kids Klub Handbook

Please note: The dance season begins in September and no new students are accepted after Winter Break. Families must sign up and pay for each new session in order to participate.

Classes are held during the school year only. Students (age 3 through 18) are encouraged to explore the art of dance and tumbling. All classes take place at the Vicksburg Administration Building (VAB) located at 301 S. Kalamazoo Ave, Vicksburg MI.

We offer ballet, tap, jazz, Hawaiian, contemporary, tumbling, hip hop and more. Instruction emphasizes fun and fundamentals.

Classes begin in late September and the year is split in to 4 sessions.  New students are welcome to join until the third session (which begins in January).  Families must sign up and pay for each session in order to participate. We finish the year with a recital in May, held at the Vicksburg High School Performing Arts Center.  Please click on the Program Offerings link to view class details and registration information or on the links below to download additional information.

2024-2025 Dance and Tumbling Registration 

**NO NEW STUDENTS ACCEPTED FOR 3RD AND 4TH SESSION, which begin after Winter Break**

Please note: each session has one built in make up day, if needed. No refunds will be given for canceled classes. No refunds are given once a session starts.

Please visit our Community Ed Dance Fundraiser!

Dance Class Offerings, Information and Calendar

Program Hand-outs (PDFs):

View our 2024/2025 classes and clinic offerings and register here.

Summer camps 2025 registration is coming soon!

Whether you are looking to improve your athletic skills, try something new and exciting, or just hang with friends over the summer, Vicksburg Community Education has something for you! 

We offer a wide variety of activities including sports and theater.

2024 Rising Stars Girls Basketball

4th through 8th grade girls.

Registration is now closed. Tryouts are required for a position on the perspective teams. 

2024- 2025 Boy's Fundamental Basketball League, Future Stars

3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th grade boys.

No tryouts required. This is a first come, first served program for those looking to learn and build skills.

Register here

Questions can be emailed to or call the Community Education office at (269) 321-1022.

Cost is $60 and includes a reversible jersey.

Games run Saturdays January 18th to February 22nd at various locations in the Greater Kalamazoo area. 

Practices start January 6th, twice a week at a VCS school.

2024-2025 Program Registration

Karate for 5 - 14 years old will learn the art of Sanchin-Ryu which builds their personal safety skills and develops focus and discipline. Students are taught alternatives to fighting in a positive environment.

Karate for families set in a fun and informative atmosphere, this program allows parents to learn alongside their children.

Meets every Monday and each session runs for eight weeks.

Youth meet from 6:15 - 7:15 pm ~ $40.00 Per session ($80 family cap)

Families meet from 7:15 - 8:15 pm ~ $80.00 Per session 

Location - Sunset Lake Elementary Gymnasium

Alyssa Thompson

Community Education Director
Phone: 269-321-1020

Beth O'Roark

Administrative Assistant Community Education