Welcome to Vicksburg Community Schools!
New Student Enrollment:
If your child turns 5 years old by September 1, 2025 they are eligible for Kindergarten for the 2025-2026 school year. To begin the Kindergarten registration process please click here.
Families who live in the Vicksburg Community Schools, who have not previously enrolled, should complete the New Student Account Request form to begin their enrollment process, and then connect with their school building to finalize enrollment. If you are a current VCS family please do not create a new skyward account. Instead, please go to family access inside your skyward account to add an additional student. If you have questions about this process, please contact the building you're trying to enroll in.
Families interested in Bulldog Beginnings Preschool should not apply via Skyward. Please see the preschool section below for an application.
Please note: If you enroll during a school break (winter/spring/summer), please do not send your new student to school until you hear from the building. There may be a delay if offices are closed.
In addition to filling out the New Student Account Request, the following documents must be uploaded to your Skyward Account to finalize your child’s enrollment:
- Parent/Guardian Photo ID
- Birth Certificate – Original may still need to be verified in person this fall.
- Proof of Residency – Recently dated gas, electric, trash, water, or utility bill; property tax bill; lease; mortgage; or renters or homeowners insurance, driver’s license or voter registration card.
- Immunization Records
- Hearing/Vision Screenings – Kindergarten only.
- Oral Health Assessment (NEW for 2025-2026 school year)-- Kindergarten only.
- Health Appraisal
- Current Transcript – High School students only.
Schools of Choice:
VCS is accepting applications for enrollment from non-resident students seeking school of choice.
To begin the process, families should fill out this form. This request is then reviewed by VCS administrators. Families will be notified of the decision and can then move forward with enrolling if accepted. The deadline is Friday, August 29th.
For questions about the transfer application windows, contact Jolette Thole at jthole@vicksburgschools.org for information.
Bulldog Beginnings Preschool Enrollment:
Please visit the Community Education page for an updated enrollment form and return it to the Vicksburg Administration Building (VAB) or email the completed application to athompson@vicksburgschools.org.
Questions? Call Community Education at (269) 321-1022.
Before and After School Care:
Kids Klub before and after school care is available for K-5th grade students at each elementary building. Yearly registration is required in order to attend. Kids Klub operates on school days from 6:30 to 9am and 3:30 to 6pm. For more information, call 321-1022 or email boroark@vicksburgschools.org. You can also visit the Community Education page for more information.