Skyward Family Access
Vicksburg Community Schools, in partnership with Skyward, offers you electronic access to your students’ academic records, attendance, report cards, and other information.
This portal also provides you with self-service options to update email addresses, phone numbers, and other related items. The portal’s web address is https://www.vicksburgschools.org/skyward
Find current information on your student quickly and easily.
Your Skyward account lets you see your children’s grades, unofficial transcripts, attendance, schedules, emergency contacts, demographic data, and health information. You will be able to review the accuracy and submit corrections.
You can sign up for automated emails and adjust your alert settings for messages the district sends directly to your phone.
Use Skyward to keep your information up-to-date.
Skyward allows you to submit information to the district quickly and easily. Specifically, once you gain access you will want to check the following information and keep it current.
Emergency Contacts – we ask that you add at least two current emergency contacts for each of your children.
You can get to all of these items by clicking on the Student Info button followed by the request changes link in the upper right hand portion of the portal window.
Important Note:
The contact information you add to your skyward account is used by our alert system to notify you about school closings, transportation notices and potential emergency notifications. You may select multiple ways in which you would like receive these messages (phone, email, text).
Skyward Family Access