Pathways High School Graduates 200th Student
It's an exciting time at the growing alternative high school within Vicksburg Community Schools.
The 200th graduate finished their high school career at Vicksburg Pathways on November 3rd.
Vanessa Kelly graduated high school early, taking her final tests, before ringing the Pathways bell.
Vanessa plans to start right away at KVCC before transferring to WMU. She eventually hopes to attend law school with plans of becoming a lawyer!
Pathways provides high school students with options for learning. Many choose to finish their diploma early and move on to the workforce or college, while others are able to work at their own pace. Students can choose between a 24 credit traditional ​diploma or a 20 credit alternative diploma. The online content is available 24/7/365 where they can primarily from home, with weekly visits to the Learning Lab or spend every day at the high school. The choice is up to the individual student.
Click here to learn more about Vicksburg Pathways High School.