Back to School Hub

Find information on back to school events and more in the VCS Back to School Hub
Vicksburg Community Schools Back to School Hub
To make sure you are getting all of our communication, please check to see if your contact information is correct in Skyward!
If you need help setting up your Skyward account, please follow these directions.
If you are new to the district and need help with enrollment, please click here.
Indian Lake Elementary:
Recommended classroom supply lists can be found here. All of these items are optional, as Vicksburg Community Schools will provide all required learning materials, but they are helpful to have on hand.
Open house is Tuesday, August 20th, from 4:30 to 6pm.
Visit the Indian Lake page on our website for more.
Indian Lake PTSO Facebook Group
Sunset Lake Elementary:
Recommended classroom supply lists can be found here. All of these items are optional, as Vicksburg Community Schools will provide all required learning materials, but they are helpful to have on hand.
Open house is Tuesday, August 20th, from 4:30 to 6pm.
Visit the Sunset Lake page on our website for more.
Sunset Lake PTSO Facebook Group
Tobey Elementary:
Recommended classroom supply lists can be found here. All of these items are optional, as Vicksburg Community Schools will provide all required learning materials, but they are helpful to have on hand.
Open house is Tuesday, August 20th, from 4:30 to 6pm.
Visit the Tobey page on our website for more.
Vicksburg Middle School:
Visit the VMS page on our website for information all school year. Parents and guardians should look for an email on August 9th with more information about schedules and the new school year. See the Back to School Email for all your back to school questions.
How to locate student schedules in Skyward.
Please follow this link for the recommended lists for each grade level.
Please mark your calendars with the following dates:
VMS Open House is Wednesday, August 21st from 5:30-7pm.
Vicksburg Middle School Facebook group
Vicksburg High School:
Visit the VHS page on our website for information all school year, including the VHS Calendar.
VHS Open House is Wednesday, August 21st from 5:30-7pm.
Recommended classroom supply lists can be found here.
How to locate student schedules in Skyward.
For your calendar: school picture day is Wednesday, August 28th for VHS students.
Vicksburg Pathways High School:
VPHS Open House will be Thursday, August 22 from 4:30 to 6pm. This is for new students only.
School supplies are not required, but cleaning supplies, tissues, and white board markers are always appreciated.
Visit the VPHS page on our website.
Bulldog Beginnings Preschool:
First day of Bulldogs Beginnings Preschool is September 9th.
Families will be contacted for home visits and open house information by the end of August.
For more information and to apply for our income-based preschool, click here.
Food Service:
Visit our Food Service page here to access your school lunch account and view the school menus.
Vicksburg Community Schools is excited to offer free breakfast and lunch to all students starting this new school year thanks to the Michigan Healthy School Meals Program!
No action is needed for the free breakfast and lunch this year. However, if students would like to purchase à la carte items they will be able to do so as long as they have money in their food service account. Parents can view their balances, add money and set up email alerts in the Family Portal. Choose “my account” to add funds. If you have not previously created an account and would like to add funds for à la carte items, you will need to create one.
New this year: the Education Benefits Form. This form is used to determine eligibility for state benefits for which your child(ren)'s school may qualify.
Even though meals will be provided for free, it's important for families to continue sharing household income information in order for our schools to receive full access to federal and state funding for educational programs that our students are entitled to. The Education Benefits forms are used to determine funding for several VCS programs. Every application that is not submitted means lost educational programs and resources for our students.
Please log into your Family Portal and click on the “apply for benefits” button to complete the form. The simple application can help make sure VCS gets the support we need. Or if you prefer, you can print, complete, sign, and return this form to your child's school.
Bus stop information will be mailed in mid August. Please make sure to log into your Skyward account to confirm your pick up and drop off information. If you need assistance, please call the Transportation Department directly (269) 321-1070.
Transportation Safety Fair:
Thursday, August 15th from 5:30 to 7:30pm on the lawn of the Vicksburg Admin Building (VAB).
All elementary school students (preschool through 5th grade) and their families are invited to join us for an evening of safety and fun!
Students will learn school bus safety rules for riding and boarding the bus. We will also have the fire department presenting fire safety info, as well as the Big Read Machine and booths with fun games and prizes, free hot dogs and water and other concessions for purchase.
Come kick off the school year on the right foot!
Athletic Physicals:
Each school year, student athletes must complete a new sports physical and have updated forms in their account. This rule applies to both middle and high school athletes.
VCS student athletes can not participate in MHSAA sports unless their digital forms and sports physicals are complete. This includes practices that begin in August for Fall sports in both the high school and middle school.
Once again for the 2024-2025 school year, physicals must be uploaded online to VCS is no longer accepting paper copies. Physicals must be dated after April 15, 2024.
To upload the documents, an account must first be created with the student's login info. Students login with their school email address and the password is: bigteams.
Then parents/guardians must create a separate account using their own information and link the two. Parents click 'Sign up' and follow the directions. Parents then select ‘link account’ from their menu options. If your student's email is not working or says it is invalid, try a phone number and the password bigteams.
Note: The program works best from a computer, rather than a tablet or a phone. Each student has to create their own individual account. Also, VHS is the only option when selecting a school. Both middle and high school students should select that as your school.
Click this link for additional directions.