VCS Schools Make U.S. News and World Report’s Best of List

Two VCS elementary schools and the middle school have all made U.S. News and World Report’s Best of list.
Congratulations to Indian Lake Elementary for once again being named one of the best elementary schools in the state of Michigan!
According to U.S. News and World Report, Indian Lake ranks in the top 12-percent, coming in at number 178 out of 1,492 elementary schools. Last year they were in the top 15-percent so they have seen some exciting growth!
Meanwhile, the Tobey Tigers have been recognized for being in the top 40% of elementary schools in the state of Michigan! Tobey Elementary was ranked at 498th in the state.
Vicksburg Middle School has also been honored by U.S. News and World Report as a top Middle School in the state!
VMS ranks 230th out of more than 1,900 middle schools in Michigan.
Thank you to all the teachers, students and staff who made these honors possible.