Welcome to the Indian Lake Counseling Center
Click here to contact Ms. Richeson and join her virtual counseling center
Lessons for all K - 5 students
Ms. Richeson will teach classroom lessons based on various topics depending upon grade level and student needs. Lessons may include topics such as: personal space, friendship skills, self-esteem, career exploration, peer pressure/bullying, Zones of Regulation etc. These lessons occur during scheduled times throughout the course of the school year!
Small Support Groups
This year, your student may sign-up to participate in up to 3 support groups. Topics of the groups this year include: Building Friendship Skills, Managing Emotions/Feelings, and Practicing Mindfulness. These small groups are incorporated into your student’s daily schedule and will last approximately 30 minutes, once a week, for up to 6 sessions.
If you would like your child to participate in any of the support groups offered, please fill out this Support Group Permission Form which was sent home on September 23rd.
Individual Counseling
If an issue arises that may need some individual attention, you may use this form to sign your child up to receive individual, short-term (up to 6) counseling sessions with the school counselor. If the need is intense and long-lasting, the counselor will assist with connecting you to an appropriate community counselor based on the unique needs of your student/s and family.
Xello career exploration platform
Use our single sign-in link to join the Xello career exploration platform:
Xello is a career-resource software platform that helps students create their very own, unique roadmap for future success. Xello helps students discover the pathway that’s right for them, whether it involves a trade, college, university, entrepreneurship, or other training.
How can families get involved?
Family members are encouraged to explore Xello with your child by logging in together. Your child can log in to their account via desktop or mobile device to share what they’ve learned about themselves, the world of work, and their future options.
Is Xello safe and secure?
We take data protection and privacy very seriously. So does Xello. The program complies with legal requirements for safety and security outlined in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). That means advertising is not displayed within Xello, nor is data used for commercial purposes. Xello is also a signatory of the Student Privacy Pledge, requiring them to uphold strict standards for safeguarding student privacy regarding the collection, maintenance, and use of student personal information.
The best way to reach me is through school email hricheson@vicksburgschools.org, which I check periodically throughout the day. However, if you prefer to leave a voicemail, please feel free to do that by calling (269) 321-1470 any time of the day.
I look forward to working with your student/s throughout the school year and know that TOGETHER we can make a difference!