October 1, 2024

Help Support Our Student Athletes!

Support our student athletes. Sponsor the Bulldog Fueling Station

Vicksburg High School student athletes are looking for help powering up before their games and practices!

Last year, the athletic department launched the Bulldog Fueling Station pilot program. The room at VHS started with money left over from grants from both the United Dairy Industry of Michigan and the United Way. Generous Hands helped to initially stock the shelves for the 2023-2024 school year, but this school year they are in need of assistance. 

Student athletes visit the Bulldog Fueling Station for protein packed snacks and healthy carbs to help them before practices and games. It’s essential nutrition to help them play their best.

“Many of our student athletes have lunch at 11am and by 3pm they’re out of energy and need help powering up for their games.” said VCS Athletic Director Michael Roy. “The Fueling Station has provided them with much needed energy to get through their workouts and excel at games and matches.”

The Bulldog Fueling Station costs more than $10,000 a school year to keep stocked. The athletic department is looking for sponsors to make sure it stays stocked.

The VCS School Nutrition Team can purchase the items needed in bulk at a discounted rate, so monetary donations and sponsors would be best for their program. 

Those interested in helping sponsor the Bulldog Fueling Station can email VCS Athletic Director Michael Roy at mroy@vicksburgschools.org. 

Bulldog Fueling Station Bulldog Fueling StationBulldog Fueling StationBulldog Fueling Station